September 2023 Model - Bowl of pasta?
Projects take form in many ways. Wondering how we arrived at the designs below? Read on. Download links to print your own at the end.

10 years ago when Protoplant started making 3D printing filament, we needed a name for it. The shape was like a noodle so we called it Protopasta. Because we were extruding noodles, we couldn't help but catch some Carbon Fiber filament in a bowl for fun. The bowl become the iconic image seen below.
Corey of CM Designs built on this iconic image and put his own spin on a pasta bowl for ERRF 2022 (see below)! What fun!!! I enjoy both the Italian and 3D printing inspiration. Early in the Protopasta x CM Design Collaboration, the digital files were never refined for release.
Still, this one-off, custom diorama brought some awesome elements, design challenges, and inspiration to made this month's pasta bowl designs possible. See it all come together in the below video.
Did you notice the fork and nozzle from the diorama? How about those hex P logos on the bowl? That's "painted" on using a Bambu Lab 3D printer. Cool, huh?
Each design takes and makes new inspiration. And along with Corey, we challenge ourselves to accomplish new things like "painting". Monstrous results, right?
Before heading to ERRF 2023 next week, it's cool to reflect on what we've accomplished since ERRF 2022. We hope to see you at ERRF to celebrate October's Endless PLA theme!!!
Whether you make it or not, you can download these pasta bowls for free from your favorite model platform (by clicking an icon below) and enjoy 20% off now through the week after ERRF at with the discount code ERRF2023.
These are demonstrated in some of Protopasta's most popular HTPLA colors, also available in PETG and at the same price as HTPLA. Which designs and colors are you favorite? Show us what you made on your favorite social site (linked to icons below).
Take care and enjoy the pasta,
Alex and the Protopasta Team